Tales of Recovery~An Evolution of Recovery

Season #4 Episode #72

The changes I have been a part of, witnessed and experienced in these lat 20 plus tears in the solutions and choices people can have for assisting with addictions.  From outgrowing 12 step programs  and trading addictions (from alcohol to religion or food or work or perfectionism etc...) and a constant seeking and doing "the work" of healing; the evolution I see is the really the PERSPECTIVE of addiction rather than which way you choose to heal and move toward wellness for your SELF, your children if you have any, your family and community, and of course the end result of serving the entire world.

Gabor Mate writes: "The question is not why the addiction, but why the pain"  And the source of pain is always and invariably to be found in a person' lived experience, beginning with childhood. 

When we can touch our childhood heart, our traumatic experiences with compassion, and be surrounded with healers we trust that have done the work ahead of us, re-connection to our hearts and bodies is possible.  

Ask for help.  Why? Because it is your birth right, and we are all in this together. 

