Tales of Recovery When the Fear of Death is really the Fear of Living.

Season #4 Episode #57

Some of us have been driven so far away from our natural state that we struggle to connect. With ourselves, with the earth, with others around us.  

The deep programing of fear based alienation from the natural state and sacred process of life, death and rebirth fed to humans by this hustle culture, government and religious institutions to REMOVE our power has been so long that we sometimes don't even see it.

It is so obvious yet we've fallen for it and deem it as normal.  We've been robbed of our senses, of our pleasure, of our ability to feel it all and accept that life is intense and never 'safe'.  

We've been sold this 'safe' experience and given a roadmap to travel it but to who's benefit? What if we questioned our fears?

What if we took back our integration of body, mind and soul without limitations of to do's, should's and fears of the unavoidable.....like a parting from our bodies? 

As we near the celebration of Day of the Dead and I remember my mother, Irene, my friends that have left us and all my ancestors, I share my experience of more recovery in this Magical  past two weeks in the Jungle and south of Mexico.  

May we realize our sweetness, our softness, our love.

May we embrace our fears and examine where they come from, as we transmute the into love as well.

We are all going to die, let's not be afraid of LIVING.

