Why are we still drinking the freaking Kool-Aid?

Season #3 Episode #46

In a world with so much available information, healing modalities, science based evidence on the power of meditation and connection....WHY are we still drinking the Kool-aid LIES of patriarchal religious belief systems and the toxic contracts on negative self-worth that these systems create? WHY? 


What if we can imagine for a few minutes a day that we were born in a different setting, with no prison boxes, but a free and inclusive community that celebrates all lives?  A community that is aware of the gift of life and our birthright of KNOWING we are love and light and divine beings?  


What if we were told this every day growing up instead of : you must hustle for your worth, you are born evil and will burn in hell unless you comply to oppressing standards,  pray the A,B,C prayer, and always follow these lame ass rules that are making us sick?


How would our lives be different if we could visualize this daily during meditation: That we are love and lovable and that we BELONG- to ourselves first and to everyone else.  

We could meditate on that alongside a growing awareness of the 'lies and fake ass kool-aid' we think we must comply with.  I mean do you really think its working out for you? 


Let's check ourselves and switch out the outdated software.  Sooner than later. For the LOVE.   


RE-covering our lives,