Tales of Recovery ~ The "Appearances" that Kill

Season #2 Episode #30

The Appearances that Kill. The, "What will they say?" message. The mirroring of having value as a human ONLY if you look good, perform well and pretend that you have your shit together all the time is killing our souls-- as well as our capacity to relate and connect at a deeper level.  Learning that love and acceptance is earned by how good you look hinders real loving and connection.  It creates judgement and self-loathing and is just outright a hot mess.  As a Mexican Woman, the pressure to perform and appear like I have it all together has been one slow self-sabotaging journey that I've been fighting against most of my life.  So many of us have.  Even in rebelling and doing it "My way" these subconscious messages keep coming up and must be met with awareness of what they are, compassion, radical self acceptance and self love.  

May we remember who we really are and that we are loved by life. May we feel supported by our breath deep within the tissues of our skin~ as souls that have value and divinity no matter what we have been programmed to believe.  This week on Tales of Recovery is this moment of awareness and hope for the inward journey of healing. Every day more and more healing.