Tales of Recovery with Golden Awakening~

Episode #20

Golden and I talk talk all things on waking up to the super life that has been controlled by outside forces- culture, family, government, patriarchy all of it.  I read one of her latest posts in Instagram and the words were jumping right out of my bones.  I read it on the podcast but check it out here:

Awakening is a revolutionary act nowadays. it’s tricky, the system is designed to be comfortable only for ppl on auto pilot. they don’t want us awake & conscious bc it’s easier to control folks who are sleepwalking thru life, caught up in the capitalistic game. they want us stuck on survival mode, fighting each other, & jonesing for more more more. most of us are on survival mode yet don’t actually know how to survive, let alone thrive. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ as you awaken, you might feel crazy. you find you no longer want to play society’s game. you see the invisible bars on your cage. you see the design of the system meant to enslave you. at this point you’re probably balls deep in debt & have a couple kids. you feel horrified & trapped. you wonder how this came to be, how can billions of ppl accept their enslavement & not revolt? then you see the design of the mental programming. and you also need to continue to survive in the concrete jungle. you ask how is this possible? what does it all mean? how do i play the game AND live in integrity with myself & all of creation? is any of this actually real? and how would god let such evil rule the planet for thousands of years? what is “god”? who am i? these are big questions that produce a lot of anxiety. awakening can feel isolating & scary. but humanity is awakening in great numbers from a deep & programmed slumber. we are now fighting for our mental sovereignty. we are fighting for ALL of humanity & for the earth. it’s the (non-binary) hero’s journey. the work can feel exhausting & the desire to go back to sleep is appealing. but an awakening person knows deep inside that numbing out isn’t the solution. deep rest is needed. deep introspection. deep connection with self, humanity, the earth. shifting priorities. the uprising & dismantling of patriarchy requires nourishment, thoughtful action, & naps. balancing feminine & masculine energies. it requires choosing love over fear. this is an intense time to live upon the earth in this era of chaotic upheaval. i truly want to know how your awakening process is going. what types of support do you most need? what are your coping strategies? are u ok?  

OK. So we got together and this is our conversation. We go deep, we laugh a lot and Tequila the Min-Pin pup is barking in the background here and there.   Get your cup of tea and listen in and be inspired by this beautiful Soul's RE-covery of life and liberation.  You can follow her wise and loving journey on Instagram @goldenawakening and on her YouTube channel as Goldenawakening~